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hello, world! and welcome to my site, terminallytessa.
This site will in time feature other sections, but for now is mostly focused on the blog detailing my learning the OpenBSD operating system, programming, shell scripting, network administration, and other things of a hackish bent.

e-mail me
computing philosophy

*NIX-related reading
!*NIX-related reading

I've been using computers almost my whole life and after being interested in *NIX and hacking (in the original sense) for about two thirds of it, I am finally buckling down and diving in! I've opted to go with the puffer fish for the design of this page, the logo/mascot of Theo de Raadt's OpenBSD. This is also why my computer's hostname is fugu000. Last but not least, the sashimi of this rare delicacy is sometimes known as "tessa", and since that is both a woman's name and another name for this operating system's piscine mascot, it seemed the perfect alias. This page is going to chronicle my journey as it were learning more and more about *NIX, hacking, computing, etc. I grew up in the 1990s and 2000s when we used such corny/prosaic metaphors as "journey" for the process of something like ongoing learning.

               O tessa o
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