Monday March 11, 2024
Before it reached the heights it has now, or at least before that was readily apparent to many of us, Google was but a simple search engine with a memorable slogan, "Don't be evil." I even remember when Google Image Search was in beta! I am that old. By the mid-2000s, Google had launched its e-mail services, which could handle attachments as big as 25 MB, and gave you a mailbox of up to a gigabyte, quite a lot more than other hosts! This was a big deal. For quite a decent stretch of time, Gmail accounts were available on an invite-only basis. At first, people were only given six invites, echoing the notion of six degrees of separation. This made them very hot commodities for computer obsessives. But fast forward almost twenty years and with more than a billion accounts registered, Gmail is now the world's most popular e-mail host.
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