Tuesday March 12, 2024

now playing: Acetone - Acetone

Daylight Savings Time

Two days ago, Daylight Savings Time switched to Daylight Time where I am. I'm not the biggest fan of the practice of daylight savings as a concept, but truth be told, it's something I barely think about since most electronic devices in my life with a timepiece automatically make the change and don't need manual adjustment. However, I noticed that my OpenBSD box from which I write this to you did not automatically switch. I tried changing the timezone from EST to EDT but that didn't work, so after some frantic Googling, I found the solution I was looking for. The timezone I need to use was called EST5EDT. So, if you're in the same timezone as me, this may be the one you're looking for. There may be equivalents for other timezones, I wouldn't be surprised.

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