Tuesday January 16, 2024

hello, world!
now playing: Cari Lekebusch - @ l'An-Fer, Dijon 06.09.1996 and Joey Beltram -U-Bahn Hoyerswerda 04.07.1996

In every computer language, it is important to be able to code a "hello, world!" program, a practice encouraged since at least the time of Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan's The C Programming Language. And indeed, it is the first exercise in their much revered book. So, here with only slight modification to how it appeared originally:

#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
printf("hello, world!\n");
return 0;

The exercises immediately following this detail a chart of some Fahrenheit and Celsius values, demonstrating illustrating the for and while loops, two fundamental statements used to affect changes to the control flow. The Wikipedia links to them I have provided in this paragraph explain them better than I could and also provide some code examples of how to write them in various languages. Just how quickly it calculates all this is something of a wonder to behold and it reminds you too, that "computer" and "calculator" used to be job titles/descriptions, rather than the names of machines. As I write this human and machine dishwashers peacefully coexist.

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